55. How a UK teenager falls victim to cyberbullying

55. How a UK teenager falls victim to cyberbullying In the UK, online harassment becomes rampant, particularly on forums and gaming platforms. Fourteen years old Mia becomes a victim of cyberbullying – humiliating comments and intimidation via insults and threats – on a popular gaming site, GameSphere.  Individual outcomes Mia suffers from psychological problems -…

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51. How Unrealistic Standards Impact Adolescent Well-being in the United States

51: How Unrealistic Standards Impact Adolescent Well-being in the United States In the United States, teenagers experience increased anxiety and depression linked to social media use. Platforms like InstaLife and SnapWorld promote unrealistic lifestyles and beauty standards. Adolescents, like 16-year-old Emily from California, struggle with self-esteem and body image issues.  Individual outcomes Emily faces mental…

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43. How Online Misinformation Can Harm Teenagers on Social Media Platforms

43. How Online Misinformation Can Harm Teenagers on Social Media Platforms A teenager in Australia, Emma, posts personal information and casual photos and personal information with her friends on a social media platform. Unbeknownst to her, these images and information are used for creating fake profiles and cyberbullying. Individual outcomes Emma and her friends become…

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38. How One Parent’s Decision Impacts Public Health in a Small Town

38. How One Parent’s Decision Impacts Public Health in a Small Town In a small town in the United States, a parent, influenced by conspiracy theories about vaccinations, decides not to vaccinate their child, leading to a measles outbreak in the local school. Individual outcomes The child, 8-year-old Emma, faces health risks throughout her entire…

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