54. How Digital Media Threatens Local Arts and Languages in India

54. How Digital Media Threatens Local Arts and Languages in India

In India, local cultures and languages are endangered as global digital media promotes a homogenized culture. Traditional arts like Kathakali dance see dwindling interest among the youth, including 18-year-old Arjun from Kerala, who prefers Western pop culture. 

Individual outcomes

Arjun loses connection with his cultural heritage, leading to a potential loss of identity. A loss of identity can lead to dissonance, frustration, radicalisation, less options to pass on cultural identity to the next generations.

Societal outcomes

Societally, there is a gradual erosion of diverse cultural practices, impacting cultural richness and heritage.

Competences involved in this scenario:

Social systems affected by this scenario:

M1. Media: ownership, funding, agenda
M3. Role of media in democracy

Cultural Institutions
Educational Systems