50. How a Fringe Political Group Gains Following in Europe
50: How a Fringe Political Group Gains Following in Europe
In a small European country, a fringe political group gains significant following through social media by spreading extremist ideologies. The group's leaders, like charismatic speaker Viktor Krasnov, manipulate information (by making false claims without factual evidence, attacking vulnerable groups and calling for a ban on minority languages suggesting they are used by terrorists, advocating for punishment without legal process) to promote their agenda.
Individual outcomes
Individuals like Anna, a college student, become radicalized, leading to social unrest and potential violence.
Societal outcomes
Societally, it threatens democratic stability and fosters a climate of fear and division.
Competences involved in this scenario:
Social systems affected by this scenario:
D2. Echo chambers and info bubbles
M6. Claim verification
Political Systems
Law Enforcement
Educational Institutions