32. How Online Misinformation Leads to Preventable Disease Outbreaks in Texas
32. How Online Misinformation Leads to Preventable Disease Outbreaks in Texas
In 2021, a community in Texas, misled by online articles claiming natural remedies could replace vaccines, sees a surge in preventable diseases. Local hospitals, like Houston Medical Center, become overwhelmed, facing a shortage of beds and increased healthcare costs.
Individual outcomes
Individuals like Emily, a nurse at the hospital, work overtime under stressful conditions. This may lead to burn-out, psychological problems and health issues, long-term reluctance to work in healthcare.
Societal outcomes
The community faces increased healthcare costs, shortage of medical staff and a decline in overall public health.
Competences involved in this scenario:
Social systems affected by this scenario:
M8. Evaluation of contradicting information
S4. Official and unofficial sources
Healthcare Systems
Educational Institutions