30. How Online Misinformation Affects Health in Webville
30. How Online Misinformation Affects Health in Webville
In 2023, many people in the small town of Webville become obsessed with self-diagnosing serious illnesses through online sources. Websites and forums, like "exorcism movement" and "HealthForum," are filled with misleading information, leading to heightened health anxiety. Residents like Emily Johnson become convinced they have multiple serious conditions, disrupting their daily life.
Individual outcomes
Individuals like Emily face unnecessary anxiety and strain on mental health, inability to work and financial difficulties. Family crisis are not an exception, with bitter fights and divisions on what treatment should be chosen, without consulting a medical professional.
Societal outcomes
Societally, the trend leads to increased strain on healthcare resources due to unnecessary doctors’ visits and as damage done by individuals to their own health needs real treatment. Such scenario also leads to widespread health anxiety and lack of trust in the healthcare system.
Competences involved in this scenario:
Social systems affected by this scenario:
M8. Evaluation of contradicting information
D3. Search engines and user profiling
S4. Official and unofficial sources
Healthcare Providers
Mental Health Services