27. How a Deceptive Campaign Divides Harmonyville Over Air and Water Pollution Concerns
27. How a Deceptive Campaign Divides Harmonyville Over Air and Water Pollution Concerns
In 2028, the town of Harmonyville is torn apart by conflicts arising from misinformation about a new municipal policy regarding air and water pollution allegedly caused by a local factory. A deceptive social media campaign, orchestrated by an anonymous group "Citizens for Truth," misrepresents the policy's impact on local communities. However, scientific data clearly shows that there is noe environmental impact from the factory’s activities, and no pollutants are being released. This leads to heated debates and conflicts among residents, including community leader Sarah Kim.
Individual outcomes
Individuals like Sarah face hostility and misunderstanding, leading to community fragmentation, with factory workers and other locals taking opposing sides.
Societal outcomes
Societally, the misinformation hinders effective governance and erodes social cohesion.
Competences involved in this scenario:
Social systems affected by this scenario:
M3. Role of media in democracy
M6. Claim verification
S4. Official and unofficial sources
Local Government
Community Groups