19. How Elderly Victims Were Tricked by a Sophisticated Phishing Scam in Silicon City
19. How Elderly Victims Were Tricked by a Sophisticated Phishing Scam in Silicon City
In Silicon City, a technologically advanced urban center, residents, including elderly couple John and Linda, become victims of a sophisticated phishing scam. Fraudsters, posing as bank officials, use realistic emails to trick victims into revealing their banking details.
Individual outcomes
John and Linda, along with many others, suffer significant financial losses and a breach of personal security. They experience psychological problems and feel helpless in attempting to recover their losses, experience trust issues in unrelated contexts. They are subjected to public shaming for falling victims of the scam.
Societal outcomes
Societally, this undermines trust in digital banking and financial institutions, and raises questions as to the support people may expect from law enforcement and the banking system.
Competences involved in this scenario:
Social systems affected by this scenario:
M6. Claim verification
D4. Detection of digital deception
S4. Official and unofficial sources
Financial Institutions
Cybersecurity Agencies