08. The Controversial Law and Battle for Online Freedom in the Republic of Vistara
08. The Controversial Law and Battle for Online Freedom in the Republic of Vistara
In the Republic of Vistara, a new cybersecurity law, ostensibly to combat terrorism, is passed. However, it severely curtails online privacy and freedom of speech. Activists like Aarav Singh and journalist Nia Patel raise concerns, but their voices are drowned out by state-sponsored media campaigns claiming the law is for public safety. The Vistara Digital Rights Group, advocating for digital literacy, struggles to mobilize public opinion due to widespread misinformation.
Individual outcomes
Citizens, like university student Meera, lose trust in the government and feel powerless, leading to apathy and withdrawal from civic engagement or face punishment for expressing their views and opinions.
Societal outcomes
Societally, Vistara faces a decline in democratic freedoms and increased government surveillance.
Competences involved in this scenario:
Social systems affected by this scenario:
M3. Role of media in democracy
M6. Claim verification
S5. Content credibility
Civil Liberties Organizations
Political System